Briarbend Deed Restrictions stipulate that plans for any new construction or exterior remodel of existing homes must be reviewed and approved by the Architecture Control Committee (ACC) prior to initiating construction.

In the past several years, we have seen significant new construction and remodel activity in Briarbend. Some of the most common projects that have come before the Architectural Control Committee for review have included:

How to Submit Plans for Review

  1. If you are in the planning stages of a new construction or remodeling project, you, your architect, and your builder should review the Deed Restrictions. Pay particular attention to:
  • Building material guidelines (Section 3B)
  • Building set-back requirements (Section 3C)
  1. Download and review the Architectural Control Committee Procedures for Approval (.pdf)
  2. Complete the form in #2 above and mail it.
  3. When building/remodel plans are finalized, you will bring full-size architectural plans to the Architectural Chair of the Briarbend Board of Directors
  4. Architectural Chair will review and route to the three members of Architectural Control Committee for their approval
  5. Once plans are approved, your full-sized plans (with approval signatures) will be returned to you
  • It is preferred that the Architectural Chair also receive a digital copy of the plans to maintain an historical archive of approved plans.

Feel free to Contact the Architecture Chair of the Briarbend Board of Directors with any questions you might have even before you initiate a project for review.

Architecture Committee Members

Position Name
Architectural Chair, Briarbend Board
Scott Summerville
Architectural Control Committee Member
Architectural Control Committee Member
Andrew Clark
Architectural Control Committee Member
Ike Claypool